Friday, March 25, 2016

258 candles-days 24-31 (video dump)

I've been wracking my brain trying to think of what I can say that will mean anything to anyone about the current dismal, distressing state of politics in this country. And I've come to realize this: There isn't anything I can say. But there is something I can do.

My solution, based on the Chinese proverb that it's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness, is to provide daily candles in the form of links to other people's solutions, simple or complex responses to problems that they see. But as a single candle will hardly provide enough illumination to blot out the darkness that is the pettiness and meanness that characterizes this election cycle, I will light 258 candles, one each day between now and election day. In this way, I will do my part to remind each of us we are better than the baseness of the bases.

Today: I have been remiss, I know. I was on vacation, which was lovely, and then returned to all sorts of work-related issues that required my attention. As a result, it's been a week since I posted and today I link to several videos that I'd been holding somewhat in reserve for the future but see the reason to link to now. You may argue that they are manipulative and unrealistic. My argument in return is "So what." Why do we pretend that by behaving badly we're being human?

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