(some years ago, while training to be a commissioned lay leader, I was given the assignment to create a workable code of ethics for my position. I based it on the UUA's ministerial code and offering it here for others' use.)
1. Because the religious life is a growing life, I will respect and protect my own needs for spiritual growth, ethical integrity, and continuing education in order to deepen and strengthen myself and my leadership.
2. I commit myself to honor the ideals of liberal religion, and to actively explore and articulate the underlying values and principles that those ideals express. I commit myself to honest work, believing that the honor of my profession begins with the honest use of my own mind and skills.
3. I will sustain a respect for my position. Because my private life is woven into my practice of the ministry, I will refrain from private as well as public words or actions degrading to the ministry or destructive of congregational life.
4. I pledge that I will not engage in any other exploitative relationship that abuses the power and damages the trust that a specific individual, a congregation, or an institution has placed in me. As a professional religious leader, I have the responsibility to have read and understood this Code, and to live in accordance with its contents.
5. In the interest of further developing my own work, I accept the definition of nearby Commissioned Lay Leaders and UU ministers as my colleagues with whom I will keep regular contact. I accept the responsibility to confront a colleague's misuse of power or to report concerns about suspected misconduct to the appropriate office. Furthermore, I will be aware of and observe the legal requirements of my State regarding reporting of physical or sexual misconduct.
6. I will recognize the power that ministry gives me and refrain from practices which are harmful to others and which endanger my integrity or my professional effectiveness. Such practices include sexual activity with any child or with an unwilling adult, with someone I am advising, with the spouse or partner of a person in the congregation, with interns, or any other such exploitative relationship. I recognize that as a religious leader in whom trust and power have been placed, I am called to be faithful both morally and legally to my professional relationships. I must never abuse the authority of my position by manipulating others to satisfy my personal needs. (Examples of such abuse would be sexualized behavior with any child, adolescent, or vulnerable adult seeking advice or comfort; sexualized behavior with any adult who is in another committed relationship; sexualized behavior with interns or youth advisors).
7. Because the demands of others upon me will be many and unceasing, I will try to keep especially aware of the rights and needs of my family and my relation to them as spouse, parent and friend. Because the role and the demands on the religious leader require continual updating of professional perspectives, I will seek and maintain outside collegial contacts and continuing education opportunities to provide such professional growth. As an individual who brings a complex variety of needs and boundaries to my professional life, I commit to seek any needed personal assistance and counseling from a professional outside of my congregation. Since the demands of others upon me will be many and constant, I will try to keep especially aware of my rights and limits, and if I am not single, of the rights and limits of my family, and of my relation to them as a spouse, partner, parent, or friend.
8. The recognition of the importance of religious education by my congregation or employer requires acknowledgment of my worth as a professional religious leader. Understanding that other religious professionals will follow after me, I will work with the appropriately designated group within my congregation or place of employment to help establish up-to-date standards of fair compensation and working conditions that support professional religious leadership.
1. I will strictly respect confidences given me by colleagues and expect them to keep mine.
2. I will not speak scornfully or in derogation of any colleague in public. In any private conversation critical of a colleague, I will speak responsibly and temperately.
3. Should I know that a lay leader is engaged in practices that are damaging, I will speak openly and frankly to her/him and endeavor to be of help. If necessary, I will bring such matters to the attention of my Resource Liaison and the District Executive.
4. I will share leadership opportunities and responsibilities with my ministerial colleagues openly, honestly, and ethically. In particular, I will consult with local UU ministers in advance of any professional or public engagements that I may be asked to undertake in their communities or congregations.
5. When leaving a position of religious leadership for any reason, I will refrain from being involved in the process of selecting my successor. Further, I will support my successor by leaving room for her/him to establish her/his own identity and leadership in the congregation and by refraining from accepting positions on policy-making bodies in the congregation (such as the Board, Religious Education Committee, Finance Committee, or Personnel Committee) for one year after my professional leadership has been concluded in that congregation. I will encourage members of the congregation to speak to the current Commissioned Lay Leader or other appropriate persons for answers to all current religious education issues or concerns.
6. I will keep my collegial relationships alive by attending district and regional meetings whenever possible and by thoughtfully considering matters of mutual professional interest.
1. I will stand in a supportive relation to people on other committees and keep for them an open mind and heart.
2. I will strictly respect confidences given me by congregants and expect them to keep mine.
3. I will uphold the practices of congregational polity including both those of local self-government and those of counsel and cooperation within our Association. Throughout my ministry I will teach the history, meaning and methods of congregational polity, recognizing informed and faithful adherence to these practices as the bond preserving and reforming our free corporate religious life.
4. I will respect the traditions of the congregation, enriching and improving these in consultation with the members.
5. I will hold to a single standard of respect and help for all members of the congregational community of whatever age or position.
6. I will respect absolutely the confidentiality of private communications of members.
7. I will remember that a congregation places special trust in its professional leadership and that the members of the congregation allow a Commissioned Lay Leader to become a part of their lives on the basis of that trust. I will not abuse or exploit that trust for my own gratification.
8. I will not invade the private and intimate bonds of others' lives, nor will I trespass on those bonds for my own advantage or need when they are disturbed. In any relationship of intimate confidentiality, I will not exploit the needs of another person for my own.
9. I will not engage in sexual activities with a member of the congregation who is not my spouse or partner, if I am married or in a committed relationship. If I am single, before becoming sexually involved with a person in the congregation, I will take special care to examine my commitment, motives, intentionality, and the nature of such activity and its consequence for myself, the other person, and the congregation.
10. I will exercise a responsible freedom of the pulpit with respect for all persons, including those who may disagree with me.
11. I will encourage by my example an inclusive, loyal, generous, and critical spiritual leadership.
12. I will take responsibility for encouraging clear delineation of responsibility, accountability and channels of communication for the minister(s) and other staff.
13. I will take responsibility for encouraging adequate and sensible standards of financial and other support for minister and staff.
1. I will encourage the growth of our congregations and the spread of the ideals of the Unitarian Universalist tradition and fellowship.
2. I will participate and encourage lay participation in meetings and activities of our Association.
3. I will encourage financial support of the Unitarian Universalist Association and its associated programs.
4. Because respect for the worth and dignity of every person is fundamental to our Unitarian Universalist ministry, I will work to confront attitudes and practices of unjust discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression, age, disability, or ethnicity, within myself and in individuals, congregations, and groups I serve.
1. In word and deed I will live and speak in ways representing the best Unitarian Universalist tradition and leadership in the larger community.
2. I will maintain a prophetic pulpit, offering to the community religious and ethical leadership.
3. I will encourage members' participation in efforts to solve community problems.
4. I will offer sympathetic support to neighboring ministers of other religious bodies.
5. As a professional religious leader, I understand that whenever I participate in the wider community, I represent my particular faith group and should provide a living model of ethical and religious leadership for people of all ages and circumstances.
6. I will honor our liberal religious imperative to work for social justice. In turn, I will encourage all people within my congregation to participate in community and world issues as the embodiment of living religiously in the liberal tradition.
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