what I remember best is the amount of reading I did that summer laying on the cushions in the rear of the machine. I don't think I have ever read as voluminously as I did that summer, or at least as variously. at 14 I'd graduated from action, comics-inflected novels to more adult ones, and I had a gymbag stuffed with paperbacks, most of which I'd gotten at flea markets at a nickel or a dime apiece. I pulled a book from it nearly every day, such was my rate. I don't remember all the books from that summer, but I do remember reading these:
- the harrad experiment by robert rimmer
- flashman and royal flash by george macdonald fraser
- the hot rock by donald westlake
- going all the way by dan wakefield
- the sting by robert weverka
- spock must die! by james blish
- the prisoner by thomas disch
- hell house by richard matheson
- runway zero-eight by arthur hailey
- portnoy's complaint by philip roth
- the stepford wives by ira levin
- m*a*s*h and m*a*s*h goes to maine and m*a*s*h goes to paris by richard hooker
- elephants can remember and the abc murders by agatha christie
- the reincarnation of peter proud by max ehrlich
- slaughterhouse 5 and cat's cradle and breakfast of champions by kurt vonnegut, jr.
- my darling, my hamburger by paul zindel
- rubyfruit jungle by rita mae brown
- the lord won't mind and one for the gods by gordon merrick
of all these I don't have a single copy any longer, having given them all away.
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