I've been wracking my brain trying to think of what I can say that will mean anything to anyone about the current dismal, distressing state of politics in this country. And I've come to realize this: There isn't anything I can say. But there is something I can do.
My solution, based on the Chinese proverb that it's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness, is to provide daily candles in the form of links to other people's solutions, simple or complex responses to problems that they see. But as a single candle will hardly provide enough illumination to blot out the darkness that is the pettiness and meanness that characterizes this election cycle, I will light 258 candles, one each day between now and election day. In this way, I will do my part to remind each of us we are better than the baseness of the bases.
Today: I might have chosen a few other examples--the West African Muslims and Christians who protected each other's congregations on holy days, the spontaneous response by airline passengers to a grandmother's grief, or even my own denomination's Standing on the Side of Love--but this is a good beginning.
Thursday, June 30, 2016
Monday, June 27, 2016
258 candles-days 122-125
I've been wracking my brain trying to think of what I can say that will mean anything to anyone about the current dismal, distressing state of politics in this country. And I've come to realize this: There isn't anything I can say. But there is something I can do.
My solution, based on the Chinese proverb that it's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness, is to provide daily candles in the form of links to other people's solutions, simple or complex responses to problems that they see. But as a single candle will hardly provide enough illumination to blot out the darkness that is the pettiness and meanness that characterizes this election cycle, I will light 258 candles, one each day between now and election day. In this way, I will do my part to remind each of us we are better than the baseness of the bases.
Today: I've often advocated for the inclusion of former prisoners in most businesses. It helps both their self-esteem and their fight against reoffending. Despite the misperception that might be suggested by its terminology, felon-friendly employment is a worthy cause that we need more and more.
My solution, based on the Chinese proverb that it's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness, is to provide daily candles in the form of links to other people's solutions, simple or complex responses to problems that they see. But as a single candle will hardly provide enough illumination to blot out the darkness that is the pettiness and meanness that characterizes this election cycle, I will light 258 candles, one each day between now and election day. In this way, I will do my part to remind each of us we are better than the baseness of the bases.
Today: I've often advocated for the inclusion of former prisoners in most businesses. It helps both their self-esteem and their fight against reoffending. Despite the misperception that might be suggested by its terminology, felon-friendly employment is a worthy cause that we need more and more.
beloved community,
Thursday, June 23, 2016
258 candles-day 121
When I was younger I saw a movie on the noon TV broadcast in Boston, where I was living, that's stayed with me all these years. It was called The Next Voice You Hear and starred James Whitmore and Nancy Davis (soon to be Reagan). It wasn't a particularly good movie, just one of those you'd probably call "quiet" and "unassuming." Despite its plot, that one evening God starts speaking on the radio, it didn't have a really big message.
Anyway, this is what I thought of today when someone drew my attention to a video by Rabbi David Aaron, Hearing the Voice of God. The 1950 Next Voice didn't have or couldn't use the language that Aaron has but the message, at least as I remember it, is similar: God doesn't speak to us but speaks through us. This is, I think, as profound a message as anything can be, and needs to be remembered as we slog through the rest of this election.
Anyway, this is what I thought of today when someone drew my attention to a video by Rabbi David Aaron, Hearing the Voice of God. The 1950 Next Voice didn't have or couldn't use the language that Aaron has but the message, at least as I remember it, is similar: God doesn't speak to us but speaks through us. This is, I think, as profound a message as anything can be, and needs to be remembered as we slog through the rest of this election.
electronic humanity,
radical judaism,
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
258 candles-day 120
Agree or disagree with their rationale for doing it, but there is no denying that these Congresspeople and Senators (all of them Democrats) are doing something both historic and meaningful. They are, in effect, putting their political futures on the line by taking a radically old-school method--the sit-in--and bringing it literally to the House floor. This is why we elect the people we elect: the hope they will find in themselves the way to make our wishes, in this case the well-documented desire of most Americans (including, famously, a majority of gun owners), known and acted on. Whether or not these laws come to pass will depend on actions like these.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016
258 candles-days 113-119
I've been wracking my brain trying to think of what I can say that will mean anything to anyone about the current dismal, distressing state of politics in this country. And I've come to realize this: There isn't anything I can say. But there is something I can do.
My solution, based on the Chinese proverb that it's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness, is to provide daily candles in the form of links to other people's solutions, simple or complex responses to problems that they see. But as a single candle will hardly provide enough illumination to blot out the darkness that is the pettiness and meanness that characterizes this election cycle, I will light 258 candles, one each day between now and election day. In this way, I will do my part to remind each of us we are better than the baseness of the bases.
Today: As KRS-One and Boogie Down Productions used to say, "You Must Learn."
My solution, based on the Chinese proverb that it's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness, is to provide daily candles in the form of links to other people's solutions, simple or complex responses to problems that they see. But as a single candle will hardly provide enough illumination to blot out the darkness that is the pettiness and meanness that characterizes this election cycle, I will light 258 candles, one each day between now and election day. In this way, I will do my part to remind each of us we are better than the baseness of the bases.
Today: As KRS-One and Boogie Down Productions used to say, "You Must Learn."
beloved community,
electronic humanity,
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
258 candles-day 112
I've been wracking my brain trying to think of what I can say that will mean anything to anyone about the current dismal, distressing state of politics in this country. And I've come to realize this: There isn't anything I can say. But there is something I can do.
My solution, based on the Chinese proverb that it's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness, is to provide daily candles in the form of links to other people's solutions, simple or complex responses to problems that they see. But as a single candle will hardly provide enough illumination to blot out the darkness that is the pettiness and meanness that characterizes this election cycle, I will light 258 candles, one each day between now and election day. In this way, I will do my part to remind each of us we are better than the baseness of the bases.
Today: I'm not much of a Harry Potter fan. I read the first novel, enjoyed it, but never read any of the others. I've seen most of the movies here and there, or at least big parts of them. I consider them contemporary classics, although unlike Twain's definition, they are usually read. But I am a J.K. Rowling fan. Her story has been an inspiration to me, and her purposeful near-total giveaway of much of her Potter-money is what I'd call genuine spirituality. I'm not likely to pick up another of her books, but I am likely to keep her life in sight.
My solution, based on the Chinese proverb that it's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness, is to provide daily candles in the form of links to other people's solutions, simple or complex responses to problems that they see. But as a single candle will hardly provide enough illumination to blot out the darkness that is the pettiness and meanness that characterizes this election cycle, I will light 258 candles, one each day between now and election day. In this way, I will do my part to remind each of us we are better than the baseness of the bases.
Today: I'm not much of a Harry Potter fan. I read the first novel, enjoyed it, but never read any of the others. I've seen most of the movies here and there, or at least big parts of them. I consider them contemporary classics, although unlike Twain's definition, they are usually read. But I am a J.K. Rowling fan. Her story has been an inspiration to me, and her purposeful near-total giveaway of much of her Potter-money is what I'd call genuine spirituality. I'm not likely to pick up another of her books, but I am likely to keep her life in sight.
beloved community,
Monday, June 13, 2016
258 candles-day111
A year ago we were waking up to the news that Dallas, Texas police headquarters had been attacked by James Boulware using an armored van. Today we wake to the new, larger number of 50 dead in the attack by a lone gunman armed with a handgun and an assault rifle on a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida. In the face of such disturbing and heartrending events, we could be forgiven for the urge to curl up into ourselves, if only to protect ourselves from the psychic pain we experience every single time this happens.
But if we do that, we also miss the brave actions of individuals. We need to be reminded of them at least as often as we need to be reminded that people take up arms to hurt others who aren't like them, or who are sometimes too much like them for comfort. Especially in this current political atmosphere when the default setting for much of the electorate seems to be "It's the other guy's fault!", we need to remember it's just as often the other guy who keeps us safe, who comforts us, who sometimes literally holds us close to his or her heart.
But if we do that, we also miss the brave actions of individuals. We need to be reminded of them at least as often as we need to be reminded that people take up arms to hurt others who aren't like them, or who are sometimes too much like them for comfort. Especially in this current political atmosphere when the default setting for much of the electorate seems to be "It's the other guy's fault!", we need to remember it's just as often the other guy who keeps us safe, who comforts us, who sometimes literally holds us close to his or her heart.
beloved community,
school shootings,
Sunday, June 12, 2016
258 candles-day 110
I've been wracking my brain trying to think of what I can say that will mean anything to anyone about the current dismal, distressing state of politics in this country. And I've come to realize this: There isn't anything I can say. But there is something I can do.
My solution, based on the Chinese proverb that it's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness, is to provide daily candles in the form of links to other people's solutions, simple or complex responses to problems that they see. But as a single candle will hardly provide enough illumination to blot out the darkness that is the pettiness and meanness that characterizes this election cycle, I will light 258 candles, one each day between now and election day. In this way, I will do my part to remind each of us we are better than the baseness of the bases.
Today: When I was younger, I wanted to experience ayahuasca, but I never did. I expected that, if I were to make it to Arcosanti, I would have it available to me, and it might have been. But I never made it there either. But it's good to know such places as this exist, where shamans presumably give the drug the respect it demands.
My solution, based on the Chinese proverb that it's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness, is to provide daily candles in the form of links to other people's solutions, simple or complex responses to problems that they see. But as a single candle will hardly provide enough illumination to blot out the darkness that is the pettiness and meanness that characterizes this election cycle, I will light 258 candles, one each day between now and election day. In this way, I will do my part to remind each of us we are better than the baseness of the bases.
Today: When I was younger, I wanted to experience ayahuasca, but I never did. I expected that, if I were to make it to Arcosanti, I would have it available to me, and it might have been. But I never made it there either. But it's good to know such places as this exist, where shamans presumably give the drug the respect it demands.
beloved community,
Saturday, June 11, 2016
258 candles-days 102-109
Herein I offer my confession, that like so many others, and despite my safeguards and attempts at being different, I have caught myself arguing with friends who are more or less on the same side politically as I am, but whose choice of candidate is different and whose method of explaining why it's the superior choice involves demonizing the opposing candidate. My realization involves something like this great story Anne Lamott tells in Travelling Mercies:
She was in a wheelchair, wearing a wig to cover her baldness, weighing almost no pounds, but very serene, very alive. We were at Macy’s. I was modeling a short dress for her that I thought my boyfriend would like.
But then I asked whether it made me look big in the hips, and Pammy said, as clear and kind as a woman can be, “Annie? You really don’t have that kind of time.”
I don't have that kind of time. None of us has that kind of time. In the immortal words of Toni Childs, Stop your fussin'.
anne lamott,
beloved community,
Thursday, June 2, 2016
258 candles-day 101
I've been wracking my brain trying to think of what I can say that will mean anything to anyone about the current dismal, distressing state of politics in this country. And I've come to realize this: There isn't anything I can say. But there is something I can do.
My solution, based on the Chinese proverb that it's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness, is to provide daily candles in the form of links to other people's solutions, simple or complex responses to problems that they see. But as a single candle will hardly provide enough illumination to blot out the darkness that is the pettiness and meanness that characterizes this election cycle, I will light 258 candles, one each day between now and election day. In this way, I will do my part to remind each of us we are better than the baseness of the bases.
Today: Mazel tov. A recognition, sooner than I would have expected, and from a group I would not have suspected understood, that b'tzelem Elohim ("made in God's divine image") means just what it says.
My solution, based on the Chinese proverb that it's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness, is to provide daily candles in the form of links to other people's solutions, simple or complex responses to problems that they see. But as a single candle will hardly provide enough illumination to blot out the darkness that is the pettiness and meanness that characterizes this election cycle, I will light 258 candles, one each day between now and election day. In this way, I will do my part to remind each of us we are better than the baseness of the bases.
Today: Mazel tov. A recognition, sooner than I would have expected, and from a group I would not have suspected understood, that b'tzelem Elohim ("made in God's divine image") means just what it says.
beloved community,
radical judaism,
religious conservatives,
258 candles-day 100
I've been wracking my brain trying to think of what I can say that will mean anything to anyone about the current dismal, distressing state of politics in this country. And I've come to realize this: There isn't anything I can say. But there is something I can do.
My solution, based on the Chinese proverb that it's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness, is to provide daily candles in the form of links to other people's solutions, simple or complex responses to problems that they see. But as a single candle will hardly provide enough illumination to blot out the darkness that is the pettiness and meanness that characterizes this election cycle, I will light 258 candles, one each day between now and election day. In this way, I will do my part to remind each of us we are better than the baseness of the bases.
Today: Make people aware of gun violence.
My solution, based on the Chinese proverb that it's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness, is to provide daily candles in the form of links to other people's solutions, simple or complex responses to problems that they see. But as a single candle will hardly provide enough illumination to blot out the darkness that is the pettiness and meanness that characterizes this election cycle, I will light 258 candles, one each day between now and election day. In this way, I will do my part to remind each of us we are better than the baseness of the bases.
Today: Make people aware of gun violence.
beloved community,
school shootings,
Wednesday, June 1, 2016
258 candles-day 99
I've been wracking my brain trying to think of what I can say that will mean anything to anyone about the current dismal, distressing state of politics in this country. And I've come to realize this: There isn't anything I can say. But there is something I can do.
My solution, based on the Chinese proverb that it's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness, is to provide daily candles in the form of links to other people's solutions, simple or complex responses to problems that they see. But as a single candle will hardly provide enough illumination to blot out the darkness that is the pettiness and meanness that characterizes this election cycle, I will light 258 candles, one each day between now and election day. In this way, I will do my part to remind each of us we are better than the baseness of the bases.
Today: There's been back-and-forth whether another hero in this situation was armed or not, but this kid certainly wasn't. More importantly, he acted quickly and knowledgeably.
My solution, based on the Chinese proverb that it's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness, is to provide daily candles in the form of links to other people's solutions, simple or complex responses to problems that they see. But as a single candle will hardly provide enough illumination to blot out the darkness that is the pettiness and meanness that characterizes this election cycle, I will light 258 candles, one each day between now and election day. In this way, I will do my part to remind each of us we are better than the baseness of the bases.
Today: There's been back-and-forth whether another hero in this situation was armed or not, but this kid certainly wasn't. More importantly, he acted quickly and knowledgeably.
beloved community,
school shootings,
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