"you remember scott? classic textbook example of alcolism, that guy. his dad killed himself. went into the woods behind their place and put a pistol in his mouth. his mom won't sell the place. scott's still there. his dad prolly didn't want to live to see his son become him. anyway, I don't think you knew kevin. he coldcocked him, man. right in my place. this kevin, he's a motherfucker from the old school, one of the original new paltz lowlifes. they were here in town drinking and somehow scott left kevin at the bar and came back to my place and kevin walks all the way from bacchus to my place. 8 fuckin miles, man. he shows up to my place and they get into it. I dunno, they had something with each other all along, didn't get along, maybe saw too much of each other in the other one, I don't know. so they're gettin into it and scott's wantin to whale on kevin, he's all pissed at him. he's goin after him, sayin, 'lemme at im, lemme at im,' and he's so drunk he could shit himself. kevin's just sittin on the couch, watchin im. he's got his arms folded like this across his chest. I'm holdin scott back, sayin, 'ey, be cool, man, not in my place, man.' you know, cuz I'm wantin my place peaceful, you know, like an oasis of calm. I don't need that shit in my house. respect my house. but scott's after im, he's tuggin and sayin, 'I'm gonna git im, I'm gonna git im,' and I'm holding him back and then he, like, breaks free from me and he's all over kevin, man. kevin stands up and scott's, like, 'du du du du du,' y'know, like tryin to pull off one of those boxing moves like on the punching bag. 'du du du du du.' and kevin, he's got like these big carpenter's hands, his fist's like a hammer, he just unfolds his arms and POOM. one shot and fuckin scott's down, he's down on the floor. he's not movin, man. and I'm thinkin, 'oh no, not again. not another murder, right under my nose.' so he's not gettin up and I push kevin and I say, 'git outta my house, git out and don't never come back.' so he leaves and I'm thinkin scott's dead. he's bleedin like a motherfucker from his mouth, there's this pool of blood on the floor comin from his mouth, takes me days to get that outta the carpet. he's not movin and I'm thinkin he's dead, and then he goes into, like, convulsions, still bleeding out of his mouth but shakin so I know he's alive. eyes back up in his head, tongue out, the whole works. he was out, no lie, 20 minutes, man, and he gets up and he's all like, 'ubadah ubadah ubadah,' like in a cartoon. kevin split the outside of his lip from his right nostril to his mouth and then inside his mouth and up to his gumline. I git im cleaned up and I tell him, 'that's it, yer outta here,' and I drive im home. but he's never change, man, I hear he's still fuckin textbook alcoholic. I ain't seen neither one of em since."
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